The Coupon Clippers

Monday, December 28, 2009

Good News and reflection on the year that is 2009

Hi there everybody (if there are still any bodies left out there following PennyWise :))

There have been some major things happening in the lives of people around me, and it's prompted me to stop and take note of how blessed I am to have my health, a loving family and a beautiful roof over my head. None of these things are guarantees in this life and I know that I often take them for granted.

I'm hoping that the new year will bring new meaning and purpose for this blog. I created it initially to keep folks up to date on the ins and outs of couponing. I need it to be much more than that now. I think we are called, as children of God, to live our life with more focus on the hereafter than the here and now. I know that I have been so caught up in the struggles of my day to day that I have lost focus on the fact that everything I do and say in my day to day will have an eternal affect. SO, having said that, I am praying that 2010 brings a new attitude to my heart and my lips. :)

We do have some very good news in the Chappell household that can be shared with three little letters...JOB! Mark interviewed for and was hired to be a full time bus driver for Trussville City Schools. This job provides us with health insurance for the entire family! In this age of uncertainty and the reality that universal health care is upon us, it is a relief to have regained a little control over this area of our life. We thank God that He has and will continue to protect us from any major illnesses!

As life settles down a little bit, I'm planning and preparing to start teaching PennyWise classes again. Having a full time job and being in school full time has forced me to adapt the way that I shop. I am still able to save HUGE amounts at the grocery store, but have discovered some ways to do it in less time.

I hope that each of us will take a few moments to stop and reflect on all the blessings that 2009 brought our way...even if they came in the form of struggles. Those can often times be the biggest blessings. :)

Thank you to everyone of you that prayed and sent notes of encouragement to my family over the past year! You have been the biggest blessing to us!
Much love!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is great! I am so glad to hear that Mark got a job! Have a great 2010!
P.S. I miss seeing y'all!