The Coupon Clippers

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Publix trip today...a sign of things to come?

Ok, for the very first time, I experienced some hesitation on the part of the Publix employees when it came time to honor my coupons and to issue rainchecks.

I can definitely tell that they have been instructed to watch every transaction like a hawk, which is fine because all my deals are legit. I did have the $10 off of $75 turned down today because my order before coupons was only $62.00...I can understand that. (I wish I had gone and gotten thirteen 2 liters of diet dr. pepper to make up the difference! 10 of them would have been FREE!)

They also called people from the back to check their stock to see if they were truly out of the two products that I was asking for rainchecks on, which was different, but again...totally understandable.

I do not, in ANY way, want to hurt Publix business! I love that store, so any measure they have to go to, to insure that they will be able to continue to make money is ok with long as I can still save money.

I still did ok...spent $38 for $93.00 worth of groceries.
Happy Saving!!


Linda said...

When I was at Publix Saturday I was prepared for them to question the Target Aquafresh toothpaste coupon because the picture showed the Extreme Clean type and the one that was on sale was not. But she took those no problem. The cashier did explain that I could not get money back but I could get it for free. I told her I understood that and completely agreed. She wouldn't take the Bruno's $5 off $50 but they did take the Food World $5 off $50. They took all my other coupons no problem.

deLa said...

they called someone from the back before on one of my raincheck requests. i didnt take it personally, i just took it as they were wanting to give me the item right then if they could. and they ended up having some more in the back that wasnt on the shelf. i was actually more pleased that i could leave that day with it then having to come back.

and the publix in irondale wouldnt accept my cvs $5 off $25 like trussville does. different strokes!

PennyWise said...


I totally agree about the raincheck was just something different. Usually they don't question it at all, but I think it is better to get it the product while you are in the store in the first place.

I have been told by the Trussville store recently that they no longer accept CVS coupons.